
Showing posts from January, 2020

#Tuesdaytunes #BlessedbetheNameoftheLord

  In gladness and sorrow, in life and in death we can be confident of God's goodness. All life is a gift from God and He promises and reassures us that He will turn all things to the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28).  So whether you're welcoming new life or saying goodbye let His praises be on your lips! Today's #TuesdayTunes is "Blessed be the Name of the Lord". Start your day off with this encouraging song

#Tuesdaytunes #WellDone #TheAfters

This world so torn by sin and filled with illness, grief and death can very easily cause us to feel hopeless. As Christians we can rest in our Heavenly Father and find comfort in His promises. Our hope is in the Lord and the place He is preparing for us. Today's #Tuesdaytunes points us to this hope "Well done" by "The Afters"

#Tuesdaytunes Before the throne of God Above

This week's #TuesdayTunes is in keeping with Sunday's sermon at my church on the Names of God. Check out this lovely rendition of "Before the throne of God above" by Selah "Before the throne of God above I have a strong, a perfect plea A great high Priest whose Name is Love Who ever lives and pleads for me My name is graven on His hands My name is written on His heart"

#Tuesdaytunes #Nobody!

  I am currently a part of my church's out reach via social media team and I am definitely enjoying coming up with our #Tuesdaytunes posts. Check out this week's #TuesdayTunes At Cornerstone Canadian Reformed Church we are just ordinary people receiving extraordinary grace. All throughout the Bible are examples of God using people who were considered 'nobody's  to spread His Word and do great things. You don't need to be some great speaker or famous person to share God's love. Casting Crowns puts it beautifully when they sing "I'm living for the world to see nobody but Jesus!"