"See I am doing a new thing!" (Isaiah 43:18-19)

Read Isaiah 43:14-19 The prophet Isaiah warned Judah that its sin would lead to captivity by Babylon. Isaiah also predicted the redemption of God’s people, just as He had rescued them from Egypt. Our text is in the middle of a comforting section on the restoration and regathering of the people of Israel. Isaiah 43:16-17 is a reminder of how God delivered His people from Egypt. However, he doesn't want them to dwell on "the former things." Instead, Isaiah is subtly pointing them forward to Christ's coming. Jesus is the way forward. Jesus, Himself, said, "I am the way, the truth and the light" (John 14:6). Our way to salvation is Jesus. We are to see and be thankful for God's forgiveness for our past sins and look ahead to Christ's coming. In the Israelites case, it would have been His first coming. For us, however, Jesus has already come, so we can look forward to His return. Our text not only calls Jesus the way, but He is also the only "water...