
Showing posts from March, 2024

Children of God. A series on 1 John, Part 5 (1 John 2:28 - 3:10)

  Read 1 John 2:28 – 3:10 and Romans 6:1 – 14 When you meet someone, how do you identify yourself? Do you say, “I’m a mom of…” or “I’m so and so’s wife…” How do you define yourself? Do you ever say, “I’m a child of God”? For, as John says in 1 John 3:1, “that is what we are!” We are children of God! But how is that possible? We are lawless sinners, but Jesus came to take our sin away (1 John 3: 5). Because He is sinless, we too, are made sinless in God’s eyes. John isn’t saying that the believer’s life is sinless in and of themselves, but rather, the believer’s life is made distinctive by doing what is right. In Christ we have the Holy Spirit who helps us. Satan cannot control believers but will be overcome and destroyed by Christ’s work. Sin is of the devil and Jesus came to destroy “the devil’s work” (1 John 3: 8). As God’s children, we are “born of God” and therefore have His seed (1 John 3:9). Just as children inherit the traits of their parents, so, we too will be like our H...

Warning against the anti-christs, a series on 1 John, part 4. (1 John 2: 18-27)

Read 1 John 2:18-27 Our Bible passage today comes under the heading, "Warning against the anti-christs." John warns the readers that there are already anti-christs in the world. A sense of urgency is apparent through the repeated use of the word "last." Twice in verse 18, he says it is the "last hour." John believed the end of days was already there. He wanted the readers to be alert and prepared so they wouldn't be led astray by false prophets and anti-christs. John called the early Gnostics anti-christs because they denied Christ's humanity. In 2 Thessalonians 2:3, Paul also warns against them when he refers to the "man of lawlessness." He warns that there will be a falling away from faith; an active rebellion leading the forces of evil. In Matthew 24:24, Jesus said, "For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect - if that were possible." Jesus said this while e...

Walking in the light. A series on 1 John Part 3 (1 John 2:1-17)

Read 1 John 2:1-17 To "walk in the light" might seem like a strange expression, but John explains what it means in today's text. It's not a literal light, but the light of God and His Word. What is walking in the light? Well, the text tells us that to walk in the light is not to sin but to strive to be obedient to God's Word. You must strive to know God. How does one get to know God? By reading His Word! When we read His Word, we learn that it also means we must strive to live Christ-like lives. The Word of God must live in us; we must not be liars or haters. When we do walk in the light, John tells us that our sins are forgiven because Jesus intercedes for us before the Father. Just as one has an advocate before the judge in court, we have Jesus to go before our heavenly judge. Our love for God will be seen in obedience to Him, and "God's love is truly made complete." John is telling the reader that true light is the gospel of Jesus Christ and the s...