Giving Our Children to God

Giving our children to God This morning we had a sermon which brought me to tears. A sermon about Abraham being told to sacrifice his one and only beloved son. He said, "Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you." GEN 22:2 ESV Without hesitation Abraham packs up to do as he is asked. He is told to sacrifice his only beloved son; the son whom he prayed and longed for, whom he waited for years for, THIS son he is asked to give up to God. And he doesn't question or argue or even drag his feet, he trusts. He simply trusted God with his child. In my weakness, I cry for him. How does one just accept a request like that without hesitation? I know Abraham trusted God, and I often pray for that strength of faith and courage. During the sermon the minister brought up the comparison of God sending His only begotten Son to die for us and these two things ha...