Fill our minds with what is right
At first glance it may seem this verse is talking about refuge from an enemy, but take a moment to read the surrounding verses. The context of this verse is quite interesting. It's found amidst proverbs on the use and misuse of our mouths and the consequences. Satan does not always tempt us in obvious ways. He sneaks into our thoughts with words of slander, anger, gossip, and malice. When we do not guard our thoughts and thus our tongues we hurt others and stir up strife and contention. We can guard our thoughts by running to the Lord. Fill your mind with the wisdom of God's word and there is less room for Satan to slip into your thoughts. Verse 15 says "the heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, for the ears of the wise seek it out". The Lord is our tower, run to Him, seek His knowledge, ask for His Word to fill your heart and mind. Our words reflect our thoughts so when your thoughts are filled with God's Word your words will show that.
Run to the Lord, keep His Name on your lips and you will be safe.
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