

When I look at your heavens, the work of your hands, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?        Ps. 8:3&4

Moments. Moments are what we're given. A moment to think, a moment to hold on to, a moment of peace, a moment of silence. Moments. Each precious, tiny moment a gift. To love, cherish, to have and to hold on to. At this moment (and for quite a few lately) my heart is actively reminding me of moments passed, moments that never happened and ones that won't ever happen. It hurts. When I think of all the moments I'll never have with my children, you know the ones every parent looks forward to, my chest hurts. First Christmas, first steps, first words, first birthday, so many firsts that I won't get with them. I'm thankful Denver and his siblings will never have to feel this pain.
We often forget to live in each God given moment. We worry about tomorrow's plans or meetings or projects or to-do lists and forget that this very moment is God given and worthy of our attention. This moment, this spouse, this friend, this child, this parent, whomever it is, this person is an undeserved gift that God has given us for a time. To some He grants a lifetime of moments that I pray we'll use wisely, for to others He only grants but one or two. By God's grace I was able to see my last pregnancy for what it was. A gift. God granted me a son for a short time, and in His wisdom called him home. I promised myself I would be thankful for each and every moment - even the awful morning sickness moments. I was blessed with being able to watch Denver grow and develop each week via ultrasounds and I am so thankful for that time. I pray I'll always remember to treat others as gifts God has placed in my life. We need to trust in His plan though we may not always understand it.
So whatever this moment is for you, find peace in it knowing God takes care of every moment. He has overcome anything and everything Satan sends our way. Trust, relax and take the time to live in each moment, not worrying about the troubles of this world for He has overcome them!

John 16:33 (NIV)
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”



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