Bless the Lord oh my soul


Psalm 103:1 Bless the LORD, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name!

It is believed this psalm was written by David later on in his life after he'd been through many hardships. With this in mind I believe He was able to praise God despite all he had been through because he knew how great and gracious our God is. If you read further in the psalm he gives God the glory for forgiving us, saving us, healing us and redeeming us. We don't always know why God allows certain things to happen, but we do know He will guide and guard us through them. We need to remember to praise Him not only in times of trouble but also in times of peace and prosperity. Give God the glory, bless His Holy Name for "the steadfast love of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting"


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