
Showing posts from April, 2017

Let my words be few

 Sometimes words escape me. Actually, if I'm being honest with myself it happens more often than not. Oddly enough, in both manners of speaking. There are times when I don't think and words just come out, and there are times that no matter how much I want to say something I just can't get it out. When there are no words to adequately describe my emotions, when I'm left speechless by something good or bad. When I see the devastating results that sin can have on our world I often want so badly to impart some great words of wisdom or comfort but there simply aren't any words coming to mind. My heart at times weighs heavy in my chest and it's in those moments I have but one choice. Only one thing makes sense at a time where grief has taken over: prayer. "Let Thy Will be done, dear Father, and give me strength and a willing heart to accept it". God knows better than I ever can, and though I may not understand He will turn all things to the good of those who...

#Easter #Christ #Resurected #Saved Christ died that we may live

  Easter weekend More than just chocolate and bunnies and fun. More than just an extra day for a church service. More than just a long weekend. How much more? Well, it's a matter of life and death. If Christ didn't give up His life for us our debt would not be paid, our lives would not be redeemed. But it didn't end there! He rose from the dead and ascended into heaven! This is oh so important. We have a place in heaven because He went there to prepare a place. Death won't hold us in the grave because Jesus conquered sin and death! We are saved, redeemed, delivered, and given a place of glory as children of God because Jesus Christ made it possible! I stand in awe and amazement at this Grace. We are so undeserving, yet Jesus said "Into Your Hands I commit my Spirit". He gave up His life for our sake; how beautiful it is to be loved by God. From The NorMel House to yours, may we give up our spirits into the Father's gracious Hands that our Saviour Jesus Chr...

#ChildofGod #TempleoftheHolySpirit

1 Corinthians 3:16 "Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?" When we look at our bodies in the light of this text there are so many things we realize we need to change. Do you take care of His temple? Do you neglect or abuse it? Do you look at yourself in disgust or complain about your body? God created you in His image, and as if that wasn't enough, He gave us the Holy Spirit to dwell in us! What a blessing to know the Spirit dwells within us. That God is busy renewing our hearts and our lives. Sinful man reconciled to god. The old testament people longed for what we have. If we look we can see what God is doing in us. Wow. Have you ever thought about your body that way before? Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and thought "I am a Child of God, my body is a temple for the Holy Spirit". What does that mean to you? When I think about that I am always amazed. This body that I complain about, that I talk negativel...