#Easter #Christ #Resurected #Saved Christ died that we may live


Easter weekend

More than just chocolate and bunnies and fun. More than just an extra day for a church service. More than just a long weekend. How much more? Well, it's a matter of life and death. If Christ didn't give up His life for us our debt would not be paid, our lives would not be redeemed. But it didn't end there! He rose from the dead and ascended into heaven! This is oh so important. We have a place in heaven because He went there to prepare a place. Death won't hold us in the grave because Jesus conquered sin and death! We are saved, redeemed, delivered, and given a place of glory as children of God because Jesus Christ made it possible! I stand in awe and amazement at this Grace. We are so undeserving, yet Jesus said "Into Your Hands I commit my Spirit". He gave up His life for our sake; how beautiful it is to be loved by God.
From The NorMel House to yours, may we give up our spirits into the Father's gracious Hands that our Saviour Jesus Christ's death and resurrection be our entrance into eternal life.


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