Beauty in creation... God alone! #NoartistlikeTheArtist


Every year these amazingly beautiful flowers sprout up through the weeds in the thing I call our "garden". The owners before us (over 7 years ago) had nice gardens with many pretty flowers. Being the allergy prone person I am, I have nothing to do with the gardens or lawn. I attempted to weed the first 2 years we were here but gave up as I got sick every time... These beautiful flowers continue to return EVERY year without fail and amaze me with their beauty. Through no help of mankind they push through past the myriad of weeds to share their glory and beauty with me every year. And every year again I'm reminded of how amazing our God really is. He created these beauties. He brings them back every year to make me smile and every year again I'm impressed with His stunning creation. There truly is no artist like The Artist.

From the NorMel House where we find joy in God's amazing artwork


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