I am broken

 I'm broken.

My body is broken. My mind is broken. And my heart's been broken many times. Sometimes my brokenness is obvious. Sometimes its only obvious to the people closest to me. Sometimes I hide my brokenness from everyone and pretend I'm fixed.

It doesn't work. I'm still broken.

In truth, we all are. Some are obviously broken by cancer or disease or illness. Some are broken by alcoholism or addictions. Some think they're not broken but their brokenness comes out in gossip, slander, lies, pride or deceit. We're all broken. We live in a broken world and not one of us escapes it. But don't give up. If you take anything from me let it be this: though we broke our relationship with God He didn't break His promise to us. He sent His only Son to die for us that our brokenness will one day be fixed; our wounds will one day be healed; our tears turned into joy. Give your brokenness to Him and trust in His saving grace and almighty power.

I look forward to the day when you and I can live together in perfection.

The NorMel House.


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