Part 4 Things that ruin #Friendship

 Reading: Genesis 26:12-16

Isaac planted crops in that land and the same year reaped a hundredfold, because the Lord blessed him. The man became rich, and his wealth continued to grow until he became very wealthy. He had so many flocks and herds and servants that the Philistines envied him. So all the wells that his father’s servants had dug in the time of his father Abraham, the Philistines stopped up, filling them with earth. Then Abimelech said to Isaac, “Move away from us; you have become too powerful for us.”

Proverbs 16:28

A perverse man stirs up dissension, and a gossip separates close friends.

Matthew 5:23-24

Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you; leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift.

Matthew 6:11

For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

Friendships are a valuable thing but can also be fragile. Many things can destroy friendships and being aware of them can help us in keeping our friendships. When Abimelech saw the blessings Isaac had received he was not happy for Isaac. He was resentful and it resulted in separation. Jealousy and resentment can break a relationship to pieces. The Lord blesses all his people but not necessarily with the same gifts. Its very easy to look at someone else's talents, gifts or blessings and desire them. The "green-eyed monster" can ruin the best of friendships.

Proverbs 16: 28 tells us very bluntly that gossip is another destroyer of friendships. When we deliberately tell people things about other people not only does it cause pain and resentment, it can have many lasting and devastating effects. It does not build up relationships but breaks them down. It breaks the relationship between the person and the person you tell. It also breaks down the relationship of trust between you and others.

We all will fall victim to temptation at times. The bible gives us a clear message of what must be done when we do things to break down relationships. We must go and reconcile ourselves to those we have wronged.

Psalm 34: 13 says "keep your tongue from evil and your lips from telling lies". It may seem a hard thing to do but the Lord goes with us when we do his will. When we do fall into temptation we must make it right and seek forgiveness. And when others sin against us we must be willing to forgive them. This is how true friendships function as God intended.


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