The God who saves

 In these uncertain times it's hard to imagine that there is any comfort or hope. It's easy to fall prey to the devil's attempts to pull us away from God. He fills us with doubt, fear, worry, and unbelief. If you suffer from depression or mental illness you probably find the devils voice can be quite loud. I admit (and have shared) many of the times the devil's temptations of despair have overwhelmed me. With all the social distancing and self-quarantine happening we miss out on something most of us NEED. As Christians especially we're used to gathering together as God's family every week, and while we've taken advantage of Livestream technology it is just not the same. Despite all the sad and scary things going on in the world we need to remember God's goodness. God is our gracious and heavenly Father; the Bible, His Holy Word, is filled with assurances of His help and comfort. Open your Bible and find comfort in Him. Find your peace and strength in the God who created this whole world and who continues to build a heavenly and perfect home for us. No matter what may come, God promises to turn all things to the good of those who love Him (see Romans 8:28). Find rest in the rock of our salvation, find comfort in the God who's love never ceases.

Mel of The NorMel House, find His mercies new every morning; Find hope in the God who saves, He does not disappoint.


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