Mercies Anew

 I close my eyes, basking in the gentle warmth of the sun

Its light kissing the surface of everything around me

The soft hum of cars passing by barely breaks the silence of the morning

And I am at peace.

Though the world is living in fear

Though the virus has put us all in isolation 

Though we know not what tomorrow brings

I find myself content.

Here in this moment, the sun wrapping me in a warm soft hug, in the quiet before the day begins, I find God.

It's as if He's sent this comforting sunshine to remind me of His unfailing love. 

Just as the sun is holding me, He holds me

And as the sun gives life, so He is the giver of all life 

I find peace and comfort in this moment

I'm thankful.

Thankful for this moment of calm before the day ahead

Thankful for the gentle reminder of God's grace

Thankful for the strength I find in Him

The day has begun

Melynda Hoeksema


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