consider this...


Ok, so I know it's a weed... but there's something beautiful in the intricacies of this puffball. I feel like there's something poetic about it all. Most people would have ripped this weed out of their  garden long before it got to this point (it's stem is more than 3 feet long/tall), but then they would have missed out on how cool it looks! Beauty is found in many forms. I see the beauty in God's design, this plant has a purpose. Maybe it's purpose was simply to cause me to reflect on things, maybe not. Its reminded me to look for the good and the beauty in all things. God's creation is amazing, each life is formed and fashioned by His hand, even the plants and weeds. I mean seriously look at it, it's so neat! 

I'm probably rambling; just some things to think on for the day

"All things were made through Him, and without Him was not any thing made that was made" John 1:3 

#considerthis #Godscreation #Godmadeallthings #beautyintheweeds #thinkonit #Godsdesign #NoartistlikeTheArtist #glasshalffull #amazing #john1vs3 #TheNorMelHouse #theNorMelHouseisanythingbutnormal


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