God's Protecting Plan


There are things in life that take us by complete surprise. Life’s pathway will bring struggles; we each have our own particular heart ache. Yet, we can be confident, we serve a God who knows the beginning and the end! He has given us a light for our path and we must trust our sovereign God; that He knows what He’s doing. When wrestling with assurance we can see that the devil is strong. He will do anything to separate us from God’s love so we must pray for perseverance! We must also pray that we will see God’s presence in our lives and that God will keep His eyes on us. By faith, through grace, we are united with Christ and therefore perfect in God’s sight. When we know in faith, that this is true for ourselves, then we may know that no matter thick or thin, no matter what trial or trouble, we are well protected, for He will hide us in the shadow of His wings. What a blessed comfort it is to us, to enter day by day, knowing that the Father sees His children through the lens of His Son, our Lord and Saviour. In Christ, come what may, our lives are full. It’s our blessed privilege to live in anticipation that we will some day see our Saviour face to face. In faith we are confident and may live without a shadow of doubt, that this will be. So as you go through this week remember to bring your heartfelt prayers to God; for God’s ear to hear you, His eyes to see you and His Hand to protect you. As John Bunyan said, “Pray often, for prayer is a shield to the soul, a sacrifice to God and a scourge to Satan.”


Mel of the NorMel House


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