The cracks in the mountain

Oh how heavy my heart
My eyes are dry as there's no tears left to cry
What are we doing?
What lies are we spreading?
Like cancer they grow
Like a river slowly pushing its way down a mountain
Carving small pathways in the rock
Each lie, each falsehood creating tiny cracks in our faith
They push their way down, slowly eating their way through what once was strong
We let our selfishness dictate the path we choose and call it new understanding 
We let our own desires change our beliefs because what we feel can't possibly be wrong
We call it worshipping God though we ignore what He's asked of us
The world is slipping in through the cracks
We're so bombarded by sin that we don't see how far we're falling
Satan is laughing and delighting in the lies that have found their way in.
He whispers and tempts and tells us our selfish desires can't possibly be wrong
Oh how like Adam and Eve we are
Choosing to believe we now know better


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