Ps 62 8 Selah.

 Ever had a best friend that just gets you. Someone you tell anything and everything because you can trust them. The kind of friend you can always depend upon. The problem is, we're just humans. We make mistakes, screw up and hurt the people we love. The truth is, there's only one perfect friend. He's the only one that loves with perfect love. He wants us to come to Him with everything, He wants us to trust in Him. Pour out your heart to the one who is our Refuge the only one we can truly trust; our Heavenly Father hears you and loves you. No matter what's going on in your life or happening in this world you can find true comfort in Him alone. Selah.

Mel of the NorMel House. Reminding myself once again to put my trust in our perfect friend, our Refuge and our God.


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