God is omnipotent and yet He still cares for all our needs. (Mark 6:30-31)
"The apostles returned to Jesus and told him all that they had done and taught. And he said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.” For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat."
Mark 6:30-31 ESV
God is omnipotent and yet He still cares for all our needs. I cannot grasp how omnipotent and powerful God is. He intimately knows every single person, throughout all times, at every moment. Not just your thoughts or your soul, but every hair, every freckle, every part of you! He knows every beat of your heart, every teardrop you cry, every single breath you take. There's not a single part of you He doesn't know. There's not a thing about you that He doesn't take care for. He wisely created us with bodies that tell us things constantly, to help us take care for our bodies too. Jesus told the disciples to rest and take time for to take care of themselves. Its easy to brush aside your own bodily needs when things get busy, but God calls us to take care of the body that He created. Take care for the Temple of the Holy spirit is in us! He knows we are finite beings and our bodies, minds and spirits need to be cared for. How He can be everywhere, through all time, with every single one of His children is far beyond anything I could ever comprehend. And yet, He is with you and knows every need you have. What a loving, caring and awesome God we have!
Mel of the NorMel House
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