Do not be swayed by false teachings (2 Peter 3)

Read 2 Peter 3

Peter wrote to remind his audience to remember "the predictions of the Holy prophets". Scoffers will come and mock their belief that Christ will return but He will come in His time. Time is not the same for God as it is for us so we must be patient. The reason we wait is so that all who are to be saved will reach repentance. That day will come so we should live lives of holiness in anticipation. We await a new heaven and a new earth and must be diligent; not getting carried away by false teachings.

Peter disassembles the teachings of false prophets. He urges Christians not to waiver in their faith but to live in the truth. We must not be idle while we wait for Christ's return, but make every effort to know Him and make Him known. We must stand firm in faith, growing in the knowledge of our Saviour - to Him be the glory, both now and forever.


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