God is just. (Jeremiah 12)


Read Jeremiah 12

The book of Jeremiah was written after the destruction of Jerusalem and the captivity of many. Jeremiah wrote to tell the people God's judgment was upon them. In chapter twelve, he pleads with God, asking God why the wicked seem to prosper. He notes the hypocrites who seem to worship falsely, and yet they prosper. Jeremiah's inquiry is a good example of how we, too, can make inquiries correctly.  Note how he starts by proclaiming God's righteousness (verse 1). He then brings his "case" before the Lord. He trusts that God is a just God and listens to our prayers. Ultimately, the Lord answered him by telling him the wicked will perish (verse 14), but He will still have compassion on His people and return them to their promised inheritance. If the people truly repent, then they will receive that inheritance. However, it ends with a warning for those who don't repent, ""but if any nation does not listen, I will completely uproot and destroy it," declares the Lord" (verse 17).

Our text is a good warning not to just go through the motions of being a Christian. We need to be living and active members of our churches. We need to trust that God is a just God, He will punish the wicked in His time. But He is also a forgiving God for those who truly repent. Are you just going through the motions? Pray for eyes that see, ears that hear and a heart that professes God.


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