A prayer for the Ephesians. A series on Ephesians part 6 (Ephesians 3:14-21.)

A prayer for the Ephesians. 

Read Ephesians 3:14-21

Paul wrote the book of Ephesians to broaden the knowledge of his readers in regards to God's grace and providential plan. It's really no surprise that he stops to pray for his readers. What's interesting to note is how he starts his prayer. Typically, at that time, people stood to pray. Kneeling was done for royalty or people in positions of authority. It was a sign of respect and reverence. So, even in his praying, he is teaching his readers more about God. We should show all respect and reverence to God, and thus, like Paul, we ought to kneel when we pray. He continues to teach the reader by the things he prays about. Paul acknowledges that Christ is already present in the Ephesians' lives, but he wants them to have Christ in their hearts. He prays that Christ will be part of their whole being, and tells them how this is possible. Only God has the power to strengthen our faith. The Spirit is the one who works in our "inner being" so that Christ may dwell in our hearts through faith (Ephesians 3:16-17). Paul teaches them that although God's love and knowledge are beyond our understanding, we can grasp some degree of them. Because God's power is at work in us, through Christ, we can give God the glory. All praise and glory belong to God. Because Christ is in our hearts, through faith, we can receive God's love. To Him be the glory forever and ever (see Ephesians 3:21).

We can learn so much from Paul's prayer. We ought to show God respect and reverence; knowing that it is God's power at work in us. We are not responsible for God's gifts of love and faith, however, we ought to strive to increase our faith and knowledge of God. God is greater than anything we can even imagine. So pray. Pray that God may fill your heart with His love. Pray that God will increase your knowledge of Christ so "that you may be filled to the measure of all fullness of God" (Ephesians 3:19). And finally, remember it is God alone who is worthy of glory and praise.


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