Live a godly life (1 Timothy 4:11-15)

Read 1 Timothy 4:11-15

Paul wrote to Timothy to warn him about false teachers and to instruct him in church matters. In chapter four, he starts by explaining that there are some in the church pushing false teachings. They were teaching a strict practice of self-denial from marriage and foods (see 1 Timothy 4:3). Paul also warns against godless myths and old wives' tales (1 Timothy 4:7) and tells Timothy to instead train himself to be godly (1 Timothy 4:8). What follows, in our text, is instructions on how to live a godly life. We, too, can learn from Paul's instructions. As Christians, we, too, must set an example for others. One of the ways we can strive for godly behavior is devoting ourselves to reading scripture. Paul tells Timothy he has a gift from God that he must not waste. He urges Timothy to make his spiritual growth visible for others and to preach and teach others to do the same.

There's a couple of things we can learn from Paul's instructions. First, we are to be aware of false teachings and make every effort to point them out to the church leaders. Second, we can see that we are not to take for granted the gifts God gives us. Instead, we should share them or use them for the good of others. Third, we ought to live godly lives and set an example for others in our speech, "in life, in love, in faith  and in purity" (1 Timothy 4:12). Lastly, we must devote ourselves to these things wholly so that others will see. So put your "hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all men" (1 Timothy 4:10). Strive to read God's Word daily so you can grow in faith and live as a godly example for those around you. Share the good gifts God has given you and use them to help others. Don't let false teachings creep into the church. Instead,  be diligent in studying scripture so you'll know when there are false teachers.


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