Living as children of Light. A series on Ephesians part 8 (Ephesians 4:17-32).

Read Ephesians 4:17-32

Paul, the writer of Ephesians, wants his readers to live, not as the gentiles do, but rather, live lives of Christian purity. In our text, he gives us a basic guide for how to put off our 'old selves' and not follow our deceitful desires. Paul points out that a life without God can lead to a life of impurity. Purity is essential for Christians. We are to put on our 'new selves' as we were created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness (Ephesians 4:23). What does a life of purity look like? Paul gives us several examples of how we are to behave and what we shouldn't do. In verse 25, he tells us not to speak falsehood but speak truthfully to our neighbors. It is not enough to not lie. We MUST speak the truth. He also tells us that we must not sin in our anger. Not all anger is sin. However, we must not dwell in our anger. Dwelling on your anger gives the devil a foothold in your life (Ephesians 4:27). Paul then tells us it's not enough to not steal; we must work or do something useful with our lives so that we can help others. It's not enough to not speak falsely. We are not to "let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths." Instead, "only what is helpful for building others up" (Ephesians 4:29). This implies that when we speak, we should ask ourselves if what we are about to say is honest, helpful, and beneficial. We are to get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, brawling, slander, and malice. Instead of these things, we ought to be kind, compassionate, and forgive, as God forgave us (Ephesians 4:32). All this teaches us that it is not enough to abstain from sin. As Christians, we are called to live lives that are pure and Christ-like. Although salvation is not dependent on our 'works', we are to do good, as Christ did. We are to be "imitators of God" and live a "life of love" because Christ loved us (Ephesians 5:1). So, in all you do, ask yourself if what you are going to say or do is beneficial or helpful to others. Live a life reflective of Christ.


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