Pray without ceasing (Colossians 1:1-10)

Read Colossians 1:1‭-‬10

Our passage has much to teach us but I think I an important thing to note is that Paul prayed without ceasing for God's people. In several of his letters, Paul makes the point of thanking God for the people and/or praying for them for various reasons. In Romans 1, he thanks God for them because their faith is talked about all of the world. He remembers them in his prayers at all times. In 1 Corinthians 1 verse 4, Paul thanks God for them because of God’s grace given them in Jesus Christ. 

In  Philippians 1 verse 3, he tells them how he thanks God for them with joy. Then, in Colossians 1 verse 3, Paul thanks God for them because of their faith in Christ and love for the saints.  He goes on in verse 9 to say he does not stop praying for them and asking that they be filled with spiritual wisdom and understanding. 

In 1 Thessalonians 1:2, Paul again says that he always thanks God for them; remembering their work produced by faith, labor prompted by love, and their endurance inspired by hope in the Lord Jesus. In 2 Thessalonians 1 verse 3 Paul goes as far as to say, "we ought always to thank God for you" because their faith and love is increasing.

 There's a common theme in Paul's greetings that we should take note of. How often do you pray for others? Do you thank God for the people He has put in your life? Do you tell others that you're thankful for them? Do you pray without ceasing? We often use prayer as a selfish 'wist list', but Paul is showing us how important it is that we pray for one another. We, too, "ought always to thank God" for the blessings that He gives us in the people He has placed in our lives. We need to share this prayer with our loved ones and never cease praying.


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