Grace and Peace. A series on Ephesians Part 14 (Ephesians 6:21-24)

Read Ephesians 6:21-24

It's rather interesting that Paul wrote a long letter to the Ephesians without our expected contents. Most letters are written to tell how the writer has been doing and inquire after the readers' well-being. Paul, however, writes a beautiful letter, not to correct an error, as his letters typically do, but to further instruct and teach what God's eternal purpose is, and how we, as Christians, ought to live to that purpose. The letter to the Ephesians reminds the reader several times that our salvation and every good thing are by God's grace alone. In chapter 2:5, he writes, "it is by grace you have been saved." Again in chapter 2:8, he says, "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God." Paul does not boast about his own God-given tasks, but three times in Chapter 3, he reminds the reader that it is by God's grace that he was sent to the Gentiles. It's no surprise that he would end with a reminder of grace. Grace is mentioned over ten times throughout the letter. Peace is also mentioned several times throughout the letter to the Ephesians. Whether it's the peace of the gospel, the peace Christ preached (chapter 2:15-17), or the peace he wishes on the reader, peace is an important thing we receive by God's grace. It's also interesting to note that he wishes peace for the reader despite telling them we are at war. We can have this peace despite the spiritual war going on because this peace comes from knowing we are saved by grace. Do you feel this peace? Do you pray for grace and peace for your fellow believers? Do you truly accept and believe that it is by grace that God has given you your tasks in this life? Do you have the peace of Christ in your heart that comes from the gospel of grace?


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