Submit to God James 4:7-12 Part 8

Read James 4:7-12 Our text today follows James telling us that God gives us grace to do what we need to do. He will give us grace for the things that James is going to talk about next as well. A truly humble heart will be obvious by its submission to God. By nature, we do not seek Him, and we oppose His authority but James is telling us that if we truly submit to God and align ourselves under His authority then the devil will flee from us. How do we draw near to God? We must actively seek God, search His word and resist sin, temptations and the devil. We do all this in humility knowing that God gives grace upon grace when we fail. Often, we think we can handle things but until we realize we can’t then we won’t truly be able to say that we can. Only by the grace of God, the sacrifice of Jesus and the working of the Holy Spirit can we truly draw near to God and submit to Him. Drawing near to God means we must be humble, have moral purity, internal devotion, we must guard our hearts ...