Titus 1 The Trustworthy Word Part 13
Titus 1:9
“He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so
that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke
those who contradict it.”
As we continue our journey through the book of Titus we come
to the next and perhaps one of the most important qualifications for an elder.
There is a number of things we ought to take note of in this verse and the first
is that an elder must ‘hold firm’. In the time Paul was writing this, many were
sailors. Sailors would often tell each other to “hold tight” during storms,
meaning, they should grab something solid and secure to save them from being
swept overboard and drowning in the stormy waters. An elder must cling to the
word of God, knowing it is the source of salvation. Not just any word, but the “trustworthy
word”. God’s word, the witness of the apostles of the life and teaching of
Jesus Christ. That which happened, was witnessed, proclaimed, recorded and
preserved by God. Paul already referenced this truth in Titus 1:3 and he is
saying that its not enough to have the character traits he has spoken about, an
elder must be born again and saved by Christ; but even more, he must be a spiritually
mature Christian. A new convert cannot be an elder because he has much to learn
and grow in faith. He can’t possibly teach others what he hasn’t learned himself.
An elder must be able to share the comfort, hope, discipline and love of the
gospel. He must be able to teach sound doctrine, able to share God’s word and
able to use it to help the members under his care.
Finally, he must have a firm grasp of the gospel so he can
identify and refute false teaching. The Bible tells us many times that false
teachers will come, even into the church, and elders must be able to understand
where people have gone astray and be able to explain why they are wrong. If an
elder doesn’t know his Bible well, he won’t be able to do this. Paul will go on
in chapter one to talk more about this.
Elders must be diligent, continually trusting and obeying God’s
word. They must believe God’s promises and cling to the gospel, knowing it is
the only source of salvation. They must be spiritually mature so they can share
the gospel and refute those who try to preach or teach false doctrine. While we
have high standards and expectations of elders and teachers, we must also
remember that they are our brothers in Christ. They need our encouragement and
In and of ourselves, we are not worthy or capable of being
leaders and teachers. The work of the gospel is only possible because God does
it. He gives His Holy Spirit to work in and through us and this will be evident
in a born-again Christian. If the gospel doesn’t transform your life, you haven’t
grasped or absorbed the truth of the gospel. Thank God continually, for He has
given us His transforming and amazing word!
The word of God must transform our lives, considering
our text, what might that look like?
What is the trustworthy word and why can we
trust it?
Where else in the Bible can you find mention of
false teachers? What can we learn about them from the gospel and how must we
deal with them?
Why can’t a new convert be an elder?
If we are all sinners, incapable of any good, how
is it possible to find men with these qualifications?
Gracious and good God, Lord of the truth, I come before you
now to praise You for Your trustworthy word. Thank-you for Your plan of salvation
and the working of the gospel through the Holy Spirit. Fill me with the Spirit
and transform my life by Your word. Help me to hold firm to the gospel and grow
in faith that Your work may be evident in my life. Help me to recognize the
qualifications and gifts You’ve given others as well, that men may be found who
willing and able to be leaders in the church. Forgive me when I fail to live up
to Your law and word, Amen.
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