Titus 2 For the elderly men Part 18

Titus 2:2 

“Teach the elderly men to be temperate, worthy of respect, self-controlled and sound in faith, in love and in endurance.”

Once again, we see that Paul has brought us back to the importance of sound doctrine and practical application for the Christian life. Paul tells Titus to teach the older men to live up to certain standards, many of which were the qualifications for the elders in the church. Older men are the backbone of the church and so it makes sense that they should have the same qualities as the leaders in the church. As elderly members of the church, they are responsible for setting an example for those who are younger than them. By their conduct, speech and appearance they should set an example for godly living. Though their bodies may be failing, they should fill their minds continuously with God’s word so that they will be sound in faith and live a life worthy of respect. If their love for God and their faith in Him is genuine, then their actions will show this, and it will be evident in all they say and do. They are in a position of respect and therefore ought to be temperate, self-controlled, and sound in faith, love and endurance. These qualities can be difficult for anyone, but they can be even harder as we age. Often with the many health changes and concerns can come negativity, frustration and an ornery attitude. But every stage in life comes with its own difficulties and problems so Paul tells Titus to teach them endurance. Because the elderly have experienced all these stages in life, they are uniquely qualified to give advice to those who are younger than them. They must display maturity in life and in faith and be grounded firmly in sound doctrine. They must act in a manner that is worthy of respect and continue to be helpful in the duties and responsibilities within the church. If their faith and doctrine are not sound, there is a risk of false doctrine and because they’re in such a place of respect their influence is greater. They must have faith that is rooted in an active relationship with God. When their faith and doctrine is sound, they will want to show their thankfulness to God by living a life that aligns with His word. 

So, once again, we see how important it is to have a firm grasp of God’s word, a right relationship with Him and thus live a life of thankfulness doing the good works that God has set forth for us. When the Holy Spirit is working in your heart, the qualities Paul mentions will be evident in your life. Show respect to the elderly men in your church and learn from their endurance and example. As for the elderly men, live in accordance with God’s word and actively teach those who are younger than you by example and in all you say.

1. What qualities does Paul say that elderly men must have? Which of these did he say the elders must also have?

2. If you look at many of the kings in the Old Testament, many of them displeased the Lord in their old age. However, Josiah was different. What does 2 Kings 23:25 say about Josiah? What can we learn from this?

3. What does 1 Timothy 5:1 say about elderly men? What does 1 Timothy 4:16 tell us about our life and doctrine?

4. What does the Bible teach us in Isaiah 46:4?

5. What does Leviticus 19:32 teach us?

Dear God of grace and Lord of life, thankyou for the elderly people you have placed in our churches. Please bless them with wisdom and understanding that they may set a good example and be good teachers for those who are younger than them. Fill us with Your word and Spirit so that in all things, we may live in accordance with Your perfect law. Help us to respect those who are older than us and teach those who are younger than us. Forgive us where we fall short of Your will and expectations and, by Your Holy Spirit, make us new from the inside out. Amen.


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