Titus 2 The Sound Doctrine Part 17
Titus 2:1
“But as for you, teach what accords with sound doctrine.”
In chapter 1:1 Paul told us he was there to “further the faith of God’s elect and their knowledge of the truth that leads to godliness”. His purpose was to spread the good news of the gospel, and it is a transformative gospel! At the end of chapter 1, Paul talks about false teachers when he says, “They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny Him.” This leads us right into today’s text in chapter 2:1 where Paul reminds Titus that he is to teach what accords with sound doctrine. He wants Titus to know that the very doctrine he is to teach must be made evident in his own life. The grace of God transforms you, it is not simply moralism or religion; the true saving gospel will make an obvious and marked difference in your life. We are to make sure that the content of the preaching is wholesome and sound and combines correct knowledge and understanding with consistent practice in the preacher’s life. Faith that is centered on Jesus and the Bible will result in godly behavior, unlike the false teachers who “by their actions they deny Him”. When we are grounded in the truth of the Bible we will not be swayed by false teaching, bad circumstances or changing emotions. By the preaching of the sound doctrine, preachers and teachers must challenge us to read the Bible, study it, and apply it in our lives. In so doing, they will challenge us to understand the gospel truths. Instead of simply claiming to know God, we must actively seek to know Him by reading His word, that is the sound doctrine and listening to the preaching of faithful preachers. In all we do, the cause of the gospel must be at our core. Your core beliefs will be made evident in your life. Information is not the same as transformation. Saving faith is one that causes a change in our body, mind and soul. A genuine awareness of who Jesus is and what He has done will be evident in good deeds. Those deeds are not the grounds for our acceptance by God but, rather, the evidence of our acceptance by God.
So, then, seek God in His word. Study the gospel and let God’s work transform you. Keep it central in your life and let it drive all you say and do. We are never beyond the need for God’s grace, nor are we ever beyond the reach of God’s grace. This should cause us to show our thankfulness for all that He has done, is doing and will do for us, His children. By God’s grace, in Christ Jesus, through the working of the Holy Spirit, the gospel will transform you from the inside out.
1. How can you recognize wholesome, sound teaching?
2. Why must the gospel be central in your life?
3. What does Titus 1:9 tell us about sound doctrine?
4. What does 2 Timothy 4:1-4 teach us?
5. What does 1 John 4:1 tell us to do?
Wise and all-powerful Father, glorious God and creator of the world. Thank-you for the sound doctrine given to us in Your word. Thank-you for the grace and mercy given in Christ Jesus and the transforming work of the Holy Spirit. Let me not be swayed by false teachers but fill me with a desire to study and understand Your word. Forgive me for the things I have said and done that are contrary to Your word and help me to live a life of thankfulness, Amen.
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