Titus 2 Be an example Part 22
Titus 2:7-8
“In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned so that those who oppose you may not be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us.”
People often pay more attention to your actions than to what you say. As the saying goes, “Actions speak louder than words”. If you want someone to heed your words about Christian living, you need to live out the very words you’re teaching. Your life will reinforce your words and what you’re teaching and will “earn” you the right to be heard.
Paul urges Titus to be a good example so that others will see the word being active in his life and imitate him. He urges him to teach the truth with integrity and seriousness so that he can avoid criticism. Careful study of the Bible and listening before we speak is especially important when teaching others or confronting moral or spiritual issues. Just as the previous verse reminds us to be self-controlled, Titus is encouraged to exercise self-control in everything. If we have no self-control it could lead to arguments instead of learning. There cannot be a gap between what you teach and what you do. You must live and be who God wants you to be. Paul wants Titus to be exemplary in speech, life, faith and purity. His teaching is to be marked by integrity and so, indeed, must ours be. Your motivation must be right, your manner serious and your lifestyle must coincide with your message. When our lives are lived for Christ, there will be a stark contrast to the lives of the unbelievers. We must not conform to the world but be transformed by the gospel. In all things, we must glorify God and magnify His word so that the world cannot use our words against us or malign the word of God. Be a light in this dark world!
1. Where else in the Bible does it teach us to be an example in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity?
2. Look up 1 Peter 2:12 and Matthew 5:16. What does this teach us about why we must be an example?
3. What does 1 Peter 3:15-17 teach us about being an example for the world?
4. What does 2 Timothy 3:16-4:5 teach us about how the message will be received and how we ought to act?
Gracious God and Lord of life, I come before you in thankfulness for the grace and love you have given me. Thank-you for giving us Your word and teaching us how we ought to live. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit that I might be an example of Christian living in all I say and do. Forgive me when and where I fall short and help me to do better. All this I ask, not because I am worthy but through the grace and gift of salvation in Jesus Christ. Amen.
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