Titus 2 – Self-Control – Part 21

Titus 2:6

“Similarly, encourage the young men to be self-controlled.”

Self-control. We all need it and yet, we all lack it in some way. For some it’s indulging excessively in food, for others it’s not holding the tongue but gossiping, yet, for others, it’s indulging sexual desires in wrong ways, still, others struggle with drug or alcohol abuse and there are still so many more ways we lack self-control. Maybe you lash out in anger or frustration, maybe you read or watch things that you shouldn’t. Demanding self-control is a tall order and yet, it’s one we must all seek. Self-control is a common theme throughout the book of Titus. Paul tells Titus to teach self-control to the old men, the older women, the younger women and now the young men as well. Really, he wants us all to practice self-control because when we can control our urges it prevents us from sinfully living them out. In James 3:2 it says, “For we all stumble in many ways and if anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man able to bridle his whole body.” There was and is only one perfect man, Jesus Christ. We must seek to live as He did and continually seek our heavenly Father in prayer. By the working of the Holy Spirit we can seek God in prayer asking that He give us self-control and He will guide us. The Bible tells us that if we ask God for the things He promises in His word, He will grant them. Therefore, we can humbly go to Him in prayer asking for wisdom, understanding, patience and self-control and be confident that He will grant it. So then, seek God in prayer and ask for His Holy Spirit to work in your heart and mind so that you will no longer give in to the selfish urges and desires of your heart. Trust that He will be with you and work in you. The Bible tells us we are being made new in Christ’s image so cling to this truth and let it fill your whole being.

1. Where else in the Bible does it talk about self-control? What does the passage tell us about it?

2. Look at your life and seriously consider where you may be lacking in self-control. Pray to God asking that He help you with this specific sin.

3. Look up Proverbs 25:28. What is the passage telling us about self-control?

4. Why is self-control so important?

Gracious God and faithful Father, I come before you now in humble adoration for all the amazing things you have done for me and thankyou for Your grace. Please fill me with Your Holy Spirit and grant self-control where I am lacking. I grievously fall short of Your will and expectations so forgive me when I fail and help me to do better. In Jesus name alone, Amen.


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