Titus 2 The grace of God Part 24
Titus 2:11
“For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men.”
The are many people in the world who push the idea of tolerance a lot farther than it ought to go. It’s gone so far that something can be true for one person but not another. It’ s a contradiction of reality. Many believe there is no real truth, but everyone has their own “Truths”. Without God people can do whatever they want because “who are you to say that what I’m doing is wrong?” But truth is NOT relative. Many think they don’t need God or His grace because they think they are good people and doing fine on their own. But the idea that we’re all ok doesn’t match experience or address the matter of our hearts. We are all guilty in God’s sight and must learn, through the law and the working of the Holy Spirit, that we’re not ok. Through the law we become conscious of our sins and therefore of our need for God’s grace. God’s justice requires payment for our sins, but His grace sent His Son to be born, become a child, become a man, declare God so that we might know Him, and to die and be resurrected that we might be saved by Him. History has proved this, and Christianity stands on the fact that it is historically accurate. In the coming of Christ, the grace of God was made manifest and until we realize how horribly we fail and fall, we, like the world, won’t see our need for God’s grace. It should bring us to our knees. Grace should have a profound effect on us, and we have no excuse for turning away from God. He brought grace and thus, salvation through the life, sayings and work of Christ Jesus and no one can deny this. All men have witnessed God’s work and therefore we have no excuse. God will do what is right and just, and therefore, without His grace, we can only be condemned. The Bible tells us that the wages of sin is death so now is the time to turn to Him!
1. Where does the Bible tell us that the wages of sin is death?
2. What does Romans 3:20-24 teach us about grace?
3. What does Ephesians 2:1-22 teach us about grace?
4. Why is the world wrong in its tolerance of “truths”?
Gracious God and heavenly Father, I come before you in humble adoration and thankfulness for the grace You have given me in Christ Jesus. I bow before Your majesty and ask that You forgive my many shortcomings and sins, not because I am worthy but because of Your grace in Christ Jesus. Help me to know and understand the one truth, the truth of Your gospel. Fill me with Your Spirit that I may share this truth and spread Your holy word. In Jesus name alone I ask all this, Amen.
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